Subdued and Subtle – Pastel Thanksgiving 2022 with Dusty Violet
We have been thinking about and studying interior design trends that are coming in 2023 and 2024, and one of our favorites is the emergence of Dusty Violet and Lavender as two of the hottest colors coming to home decor near you. We are also currently working on preorders for 100% linen table clothes in 5 - 6 colors and two standard sizes approximately 54 - 57” square and 54-57” wide x 112” long for your Thanksgiving table. (link)
Forrest (thinks he has) developed a interesting meter for upcoming trends by just paying close attention to things that have recently come into his own focus and favor. Two of the interior design trends in the coming years are very notable because of his past distaste for both the color violet or lavender (not the same thing and oddly enough his twin sister Rebecca’s favorite colors) and mid-century modern furniture.
We thought we would take the opportunity to introduce our favorite interior design colors and palettes for home decor in our annual Thanksgiving post (somehow we missed last year which was all about color, but we have moved on from that moment and have nothing more to say about that fleeting instinct.) Act like that idea never happened just like the blog post never got written. You can check out some of the photos we had pulled for that and past Thanksgiving, holiday, and Christmas decor trends in our Pinterest boards starting with our Thanksgiving Board (link). Pinterest is actually where you can often see what we are currently brewing and stewing over.
We would definitely like to give tons of thanks and credit to the stunning blog post from of which we gathered the majority of our inspiration and many of our photos.
We are still in love with the very Subdued and Subtle – Pastel Thanksgiving 2020 but feel like it is time to combine newer, more sophisticated pastels that are trending in home decor from 2022 on with a touch of the moodiness we were feeling for the Holidays of 2018 (link) - who knew how prophetic that very short and simple blog posts would have been at the time? Just one short year before we walked into a new universe and a completely changed world.
Glass Gem corn - We absolutely love the mix of bold and pastel colors. And a simple reminder that Forrest almost went back to college to be a farmer.
Instagram post by Marigold SF - This was actually the image the originally got Forrest obsessed with pastel themed Thanksgivings.
If you’re fortunate enough to be in a temperate climate for the holiday, consider a simple set up outdoors.
Sophie James Wine Co., Instagram