Creating a Perfect Home Office for Video Conference Calls:
The Forrest Glover Design Approach
In an era where remote work has evolved from an exception to the norm, video conference calls are as commonplace as sipping coffee. But how often have you wrestled with the glare of sunlight during an important Zoom call or craved a more video-friendly workspace? We recently had a client with a similar predicament, seeking new roller shades to tame the glare for his continuous virtual meetings, and yearning for some pro-tips on refining his space for video conferences. He ignited our creative spark, and here we are, sharing our top suggestions to craft your space into a veritable home office for seamless video conferencing.
The right desk and chair make all the difference. Photo: Dwell.
With all of the time we’ve been spending working on (and from) home offices lately, looking for our best angles has been on minds. Sometimes what makes an awesome impact IRL makes for a major distraction on video. While we’re all working in and through different circumstances from our home office spaces, we have some pointers on how to get—and stay—ready for even the unplanned video calls. At least as far as your surroundings and background…
The Significance of the Right Desk and Chair
As we navigate through these unprecedented times, working from our home offices, the quest for the perfect angle during video calls has become a popular pastime. What may seem impressive in real life could become a distraction on-screen. Regardless of the varying circumstances we work in, we have compiled some handy pointers to ensure you're always video-call-ready, at least from the backdrop standpoint.
Initially, we propose setting up your workspace with a blend of comfort, functionality, and style in mind. The significance of a suitable desk and chair cannot be overstated. Ergonomics and aesthetics should coexist harmoniously when designing a space for extended work hours. Adjustable height desks, laptop mounts, and a good monitor are some worthy considerations.
Monitors – An Underrated Game Changer
A good monitor is a game changer. Photo: Ryan Garvin for Design Milk.
An ergonomic chair nestled within a well-designed space, complemented by a high-quality monitor, is where style meets functionality.
A good monitor is a game changer. Photo: Ryan Garvin for Design Milk.
Style meets function with an ergonomic chair and a well-designed space. Photo: Dwell. Check out this Dwell article for chair suggestions.
Lighting – The Secret to a Great Video Appearance
Once you've established your desk setup, it's time to take command of your lighting. Natural light is a blessing, but facing it directly during a video call can lead to unflattering backlighting on camera. Moreover, natural light can fluctuate depending on the time and weather, which is why it's vital to have versatile window treatments that can help you manage it effectively.
Being a premier custom window treatment producer for the luxury interior design market, Forrest Glover Design knows all too well how the right window treatment can make all the difference. High-end designers and homeowners trust us to provide the perfect fit, avoiding the common fabrication mistakes that some, like The Shade Store, often make.
Besides good window treatments, explore alternate lighting options, such as overhead lights or desk lamps, to ensure you're well-lit during those important calls, no matter the time of day.
Design & Photo: Leighanne LaMarre Interiors
Photo: Marisa Vitale
A Touch of Green for a Vibrant Space
Plants can elevate your mood and make for a beautiful space.
Once you've mastered the art of lighting, consider adding a dash of green to your workspace. Indoor plants not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your room but also elevate your mood, creating a calming and pleasant environment perfect for work. They also make a lovely, life-affirming backdrop for your video calls.
Plants can elevate your mood and make for a beautiful space. Photo: Need Supply Co.
Design: Jess Diab, Photo: Margaret Wright.
An Ode to Analog Workspace
While digital tools are an integral part of modern workspaces, do not overlook the power of an analog workspace. Jotting down notes on a paper or brainstorming ideas on a whiteboard can be incredibly refreshing and productive. A designated analog area within your workspace can serve as a creative hub, providing a balance between the digital and physical world.
We at Forrest Glover Design strive to aid you in designing a workspace that's not just visually appealing but also meets your work requirements. If you have any interior design questions or are interested in learning more about specific topics, feel free to reach out via email or drop a comment. Let's embark on the journey to create your perfect home office, together!
Don’t forget about room for analog work! Photo: Holly Marder for Blogging your Way
Photo: Holly Marder for Blogging your Way
Design: Cate St. Hill, Photo: Kasia Fiszer.
Photo: via Pintrest.
If you have any interior design questions or ideas for future blog. Send us an email or leave a comment.
Creando la Oficina en Casa Perfecta para Videollamadas:
El Enfoque de Forrest Glover Design
En una era en la que el trabajo remoto ha evolucionado de ser una excepción a la norma, las videollamadas son tan comunes como tomar café. Pero, ¿con qué frecuencia has luchado contra el deslumbramiento del sol durante una importante llamada por Zoom o anhelado un espacio de trabajo más amigable para videoconferencias? Recientemente tuvimos un cliente con un dilema similar, buscando nuevas cortinas enrollables para domar el deslumbramiento de sus continuas reuniones virtuales y deseoso de algunos consejos de expertos para mejorar su espacio para las videollamadas. Él encendió nuestra chispa creativa y aquí estamos, compartiendo nuestras mejores sugerencias para convertir tu espacio en una auténtica oficina en casa para videollamadas sin interrupciones.
La Importancia del Escritorio y la Silla Correctos
Al navegar por estos tiempos sin precedentes, trabajando desde nuestras oficinas en casa, la búsqueda del ángulo perfecto durante las videollamadas se ha convertido en un pasatiempo popular. Lo que puede parecer impresionante en la vida real podría convertirse en una distracción en la pantalla. A pesar de las variadas circunstancias en las que trabajamos, hemos compilado algunos consejos útiles para asegurarte de que siempre estás listo para las videollamadas, al menos desde el punto de vista del fondo.
Inicialmente, proponemos configurar tu espacio de trabajo con una combinación de comodidad, funcionalidad y estilo en mente. No se puede exagerar la importancia de un escritorio y una silla adecuados. La ergonomía y la estética deben coexistir armoniosamente al diseñar un espacio para largas horas de trabajo. Los escritorios de altura ajustable, los soportes para laptops y un buen monitor son algunas consideraciones dignas.
Iluminación – El Secreto de una Gran Apariencia en Video
Una vez que hayas establecido la configuración de tu escritorio, es hora de tomar el control de tu iluminación. La luz natural es una bendición, pero enfrentarla directamente durante una videollamada puede resultar en una retroiluminación poco favorecedora en la cámara. Además, la luz natural puede fluctuar dependiendo de la hora y el clima, por lo que es vital contar con versátiles tratamientos de ventanas que puedan ayudarte a manejarla de manera efectiva.
Siendo Forrest Glover Design el principal productor de tratamientos de ventanas personalizados para el mercado de diseño de interiores de lujo, sabemos muy bien cómo el tratamiento de ventanas adecuado puede marcar toda la diferencia. Los diseñadores y propietarios de alta gama conf
ían en nosotros para ofrecer soluciones de cortinas y persianas que no solo gestionan eficazmente la luz natural, sino que también añaden una dosis de lujo a su espacio.
Dale Vida a tu Espacio con Plantas
Las plantas pueden elevar tu estado de ánimo y convertir un espacio ordinario en uno extraordinario. Añade una o dos a tu oficina en casa, y notarás la diferencia.
No Olvides el Espacio de Trabajo Análogo
Pese a vivir en un mundo digital, todavía hay un lugar para lo análogo. Un bloc de notas y un bolígrafo para anotar ideas o dibujar un rápido boceto puede ser un descanso bienvenido de las pantallas brillantes.
En Forrest Glover Design, siempre estamos listos para asistirte en tu viaje de diseño de interiores. Si tienes alguna pregunta sobre el diseño de interiores o alguna idea para futuros blogs, no dudes en enviarnos un correo electrónico o dejar un comentario. ¡Juntos, embarquemos en el viaje para crear tu oficina en casa perfecta!